Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Kids say the darndest things!

Favorite quotes from the BEST JOB EVER:

Very happy Second grade boy with a chipmunk voice: "I have moved 4 times"
Me: "Guess how many times I have moved"
"Holy S***"

First grade boy: "How old are you?"
Me: "100"
"Wooowww...wait, you can't be that old."
"Why not?"
"Because you aren't huge!"

Then, the first grade boy who went down that HUGE slide on chutes and ladders (you know which one I mean) says, "Dang Nabbit!" I though for a minute that my dad had walked in!!

Today, the same second grade boy from above (yes, the potty mouth) was working on his /sh/ sound. Sometimes when this happens, they overgeneralize and change all sounds to the sound they are working on. The sentence was "I saw him Sit in the SHade."Yep, you guessed it, he changed that little S into a SH!  Poor guy, he just can't win!! But he did SO WELL with all his /sh/ sounds too!!

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