Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have. The older she gets the more interested he is in her." - Agatha Christie

Okay, this may come as a shock to some of you, it was kind of fast. I thought I'd take this time to announce that I’m NOT single. I am, in fact married. My marriage officially began in May of 2009. I celebrated the event by wearing a black gown with a funny hat. Most of my close family was there, as well as an auditorium full of friends and acquaintances. I feel so lucky to have my husband, lets call him GS, in my life. Its been kind of an adjustment, having to move to a new place, make new friends, and live in another type of building part of the day, but all in all its been great! I have found that as a single girl I had far more time, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Online, I found seven qualities of a good husband, and the ten qualities of a good relationship. After going over these lists, I found that GS and our relationship fit both…mostly!

Here's the list of the seven qualities of a good husband, and how my GS fits each one:

7 – Handy. Handy is when you take action to solve a problem, and to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. What is that you said? How is GS handy? Well, he is always part of the solution. Here are some of the problems he is really good at solving: “hmmm, what should I do tonight?” “hmmm, its 5:30 am and I am awake, where should I go?” “Hey honey, I really want to sit in my room for 4 hours today, what can I do at my desk for that long?” Handy.

6 – Provision Oriented. Willing to help fill in the gaps, give up time to be a help. Oh man, GS is so helpful! He always wants to make sure that I don’t have anything else to do so I can focus totally on him. He really does well at helping me to align my priorities (even if I don’t want to).

5 – Humility. No one likes an arrogant man! He admits when he’s wrong! He’s the strong, silent type. Never really outwardly dominating, but I always know that GS is there, watching my every move, and is always there for me to fall back on.

4 – Adaptability. GS is really good with change. For example, due dates change regularly, even without me knowing it. If I am getting too comfortable in one part of our relationship, he takes it upon himself to adapt the situation and make sure I don’t get stuck in a rut. He also doesn’t hesitate to change things like requirements, as well as temperature on a regular, daily, hourly, basis. Also, the others involved in our relatipnship, “to make things easier”, lets call them supervisors, are totally fine with changing EVERYTHING.

3 – Sensitivity. A sensitive husband perceives the needs of his wife and looks to meet them. Oh my, GS is SO sensitive; he always tries to meet my needs. He’s always always there for me, come rain or shine. I know that even if I am having a terrible day I can (ok must) go to him. It seems like he can even sense things that I don’t even verbalize; again if I am having a hard day, he does not hesitate to meet my needs by taking my mind off of my current problem by providing something for me to focus on to take my mind off of the previous problem.

2 – Faithful/Loyal. GS is the epitome of faithful and loyal. I know that he is not going anywhere. Well, for the next two years at least. He follows through on his commitments he makes. Even if things change (see adaptability) by golly the deadlines always come. He’s honest, well mostly honest, but honest enough for me! He is very up to date on my activities; in fact, he IS all my activities, so he always knows what is going on. I also feel very included in his world, and he in mine. We spend so much time together, I don’t see how he could have time for anyone else. (Except for possibly my friend Emily).

1 – Finally, a good listener. He doesn’t always try to solve my problems, sometimes he is just there to hear them. He definitely leaves the right amount unsolved. If I just need to vent, he has plenty of space for me to fill up with my thoughts/feelings. Sometimes husbands think they need to solve all of their wives problems, but I think a really good husband is the one who just lets you talk, listens, and maybe even creates more (see Sensitivity).

I’m so lucky to have such a great husband that meets all the online requirements of what a good husband should be.

Stay tuned for next week for the 10 signs of a healthy relationship!

(p.s. if you haven't figured out who I'm married to yet, see the "about me" section. I also refer to him as a disease on occasion)

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