Sunday, December 9, 2012

Life isn't fair. It's just fairer than death, that's all. William Goldman

It really isn't fair. Well, it isn't fair to everyone else, that is, that I love my job SO DARN MUCH.

After determining that my finger flashlights were cooler than his because they were colored, as opposed to just white (which is what his were), I said:
"Its ok, XXXX, someday you'll be as cool as your speech teacher."
To which he quickly replied:
"Um, I think that day was yesterday."
I had to hand it to him, that was good! After saying:
"alright, alright, that WAS a good one. Rude, but good!" he quickly said:
 "ya, ya, I'm full of them!"

And also because...
2nd grade boy with parted hair and the cutest gap in his two front teeth:
"My sister was 5 but now she is 6--and I am 8 but about to be 9."
2nd grade boy with parted hair and the cutest gap in his two front teeth:
"Yeah, we're all just growing up so fast!"

And even because...
"Hey guys, want to know a secret? You two are the first to know."
5th grade girl and 6th grade boy:
"Yes! What is it?!"
"We're getting an iPad for speech!!"
6th grade boy (from here on out)
"Oh. Hmm. I thought you were going to say you were getting married."
"Um, nope. Sorry to disappoint you?"
"Are you even dating anybody?"
"How old ARE you?"
"That means you are 21."
"No! I mean, closer, but no!"
"Hey, sorry it wasn't the secret you wanted to hear."
"Oh, well, its ok."

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