Sunday, September 30, 2012

Second Sunday Post...

I really had high hopes for this one. Turns out, it's not that good. Turns out I really like watching foreign films though! I love that I have to pay attention the whole time - no multi-taking allowed. That's a nice change really. No disrespect intended, but if French people really are anything like they are in the movie, there is a serious lack of emotion and inflection over there.  ...Or maybe it was just the Mozart family, and the King's children...Seriously though, thank heavens for exclamation points in subtitles!

I really want to learn more about Mozart's life now, however, Wikipedia gave me a taste, but just enough to make me want more. Maybe I will have to take a break from my Time Magazine top ten list to read a few biographies...

Side note, this song, however, was not disappointing at all! (But Darren Criss rarely is, honestly.) Check it out!

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